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Bromley, London

The original rear ground floor of this large semi-detached Edwardian house in Bromley was extremely fragmented, resulting in small, dark spaces and little flexibility. Our proposal was to unite the three-and-a-half rooms forming the rear ground floor into one large space. Rather than simply knocking down walls and creating a single space, we have worked with clients on selecting the features worth preserving, with the aim of increasing rather than reducing the richness of the resulting space. We also decided we should record the intervention by exposing the new structure. The latter is conceived as a single object, with flush, continuous surfaces: an asymmetric portal reminiscent of LeCorbusier’s Villa Savoye's entrance portal, Louise Bourgoise’s sculptures, and Sol LeWitt incomplete structures.  

To read more, please download our project sheet here.​​

Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
Spider Bromley Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects


Unagru Architecture Urbanism

Structural Engineer      

Structures Made Easy


Time To Refurbish Limited


Progetto 172


Attilio Fiumarella


Completion year    



170 sqm

Project budget       

< £ 300,000

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