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The Boat & Pavilion

Teddington, London

The clients, a family of four plus one cat, approached us to design the extension of their ground floor and improve the relationship from the house to the garden. The client wanted to create an overall feeling of light and freedom in their home, that open plan spaces afford, particularly when the design is enriched with a feeling of movement and several points of interest throughout the dwelling.

Since completion of the project the family now really enjoys their home, especially on long weekends spent together with the sliding doors open to the private garden. The natural light filters in through the roof-light, reflects every change of the weather and affecting the atmosphere inside. The feeling is one of brightness and happiness, especially when paired with excellent food and wine (which we can testify to!). 

To read more, please download our project sheet here.

The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects
The Boat and Pavilion Ecology Sustainability Contemporary Residential Architecture Unagru East London Architects


Unagru Architecture Urbanism

Structural Engineer      

Structures Made Easy


Gavazzan Building Ltd


Stale Eriksen

Completion year    



180 sqm

Project budget       

< £200,000

Open House Festival 2017


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